Results for 'Ricardo Paredes Quintana'

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  1.  31
    Investigación Multidisciplinaria. Voces en el Aire, apuntes para conocer la radio.Ricardo Paredes Quintana - 2005 - Cinta de Moebio 22.
    Possibilities of scientific research about radio are explored, radio as mass media and contemporary language, within of an overview of radio studies. Two analytical traditions about radio are sketched, suggestioning that anthropology of radio should deepen early observations and reflections of Ru..
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  2. Interpersonal Coordination: Methods, Achievements, and Challenges.Carlos Cornejo, Zamara Cuadros, Ricardo Morales & Javiera Paredes - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    La aportación del directivo hospitalario. Análisis de una controversia.Ricardo Herranz Quintana - 2001 - Arbor 170 (670):413-422.
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    Two Augustans: John Locke, Jonathan Swift.Ricardo Quintana - 1978 - Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
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    Putting Continuous Metaheuristics to Work in Binary Search Spaces.Broderick Crawford, Ricardo Soto, Gino Astorga, José García, Carlos Castro & Fernando Paredes - 2017 - Complexity:1-19.
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    Reseña de "La crítica de Nietzsche a la democracia" de Paredes Goicochea, Diego.Laura Quintana - 2010 - Ideas Y Valores 59 (144):141-145.
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  7. Pugna de poderes, crisis orgánica e independencia judicial.Ricardo Restrepo, Maria Helena Carbonell, Paúl Cisneros, Miguel Ruiz, John Antón, Antonio Salamanca & Natally Soria (eds.) - 2014 - IAEN.
    This work, in English "Struggle for power, organic crisis and judicial independence", has its origin in research academics of the IAEN carried out to provide expert advise to the Inter American Court of Human Rights in the case Quintana and others (Supreme Court of Justice) vs the State of Ecuador. The research is about the nature of the evolution of the ecuadorian state, the dynamics of its institutions, its players, parties, laws, its factors of instability, the way rights have (...)
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  8. Disputas e controvérsias nas redes sociais em torno do papel do Banco do Brasil na escravidão.Marcelo Brandão Araujo & Ricardo Willy Rieth - 2024 - Odeere 9 (3):97-113.
    O presente artigo fundamenta-se em uma pesquisa bibliográfica com o propósito de instigar debates acerca das estratégias adotadas por instituições e figuras proeminentes na tentativa de obscurecer ou mesmo negar a significativa contribuição das multidões de africanos escravizados que chegaram a estas terras, em larga medida, para o enriquecimento do país. Adicionalmente, baseia-se em uma pesquisa netnográfica com o desígnio de analisar as controvérsias e polêmicas presentes nas plataformas de mídia eletrônica relacionadas às alegações de envolvimento e benefício do Banco (...)
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  9. La función del noema en la constitución intencional del objetivo.María del Carmen Paredes Martín - 1992 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1:339-358.
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  10. El principio de facilitación probatoria en el proceso laboral.Paul Paredes Palacios - 2020 - In Jordi Ferrer Beltrán & Carmen Vázquez Rojas (eds.), Del derecho al razonamiento probatorio. Madrid: Marcial Pons.
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    Introdução.Ricardo Timm de Souza & Nythamar Fernandes de Oliveira - 2006 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 51 (2).
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  12. Leonardo Polo, su vida y escritos.Ricardo Yepes Stork - 2006 - Studia Poliana 8:15-21.
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  13. Monitoring and Behavior of Biomotor Skills in Futsal Athletes During a Season.Ricardo Stochi de Oliveira & João Paulo Borin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Futsal is a sport that presents alternation of high- and low-intensity moments, which lacks investigations regarding the effects of the organization of the training load on biomotor skills. In this sense, this study aims to verify the monitoring of the training load throughout the season and the behavior of biomotor skills in futsal athletes. Twelve futsal athletes from the adult category, who competed in the first division of the Paulista championship, participated in the study. Throughout the season, the internal training (...)
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    On Fingerprinting of Public Malware Analysis Services.Alvaro Botas, Ricardo J. Rodríguez, Vicente Matellan, Juan F. Garcia, M. T. Trobajo & Miguel V. Carriegos - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (4):473-486.
    Automatic public malware analysis services provide controlled, isolated and virtual environments to analyse malicious software samples. Unfortunately, malware is currently incorporating techniques to recognize execution onto a virtual or sandbox environment; when an analysis environment is detected, malware behaves as a benign application or even shows no activity. In this work, we present an empirical study and characterization of automatic PMAS, considering 26 different services. We also show a set of features that allow to easily fingerprint these services as analysis (...)
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    Does certification improve hired labour conditions and wageworker conditions at banana plantations?Fédes van Rijn, Ricardo Fort, Ruerd Ruben, Tinka Koster & Gonne Beekman - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (2):353-370.
    Certification of banana plantations is widely used as a device for protecting and improving socio-economic conditions of wageworkers, including their incomes, working conditions and—increasingly—voice [related to labour relations and workplace representation]. However, to date, evidence about the effectiveness of certification in these domains is scarce. We collected detailed field data on (1) economic benefits for improving household income, (2) social benefits for labour practices, and (3) the voice of wageworkers focusing on identity and identification issues amongst wageworkers at Fairtrade certified (...)
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  16.  14
    Amicus Plato magis amica veritas : reading Heidegger in Plato's cave.María del Carmen Paredes - 2005 - In Catalin Partenie & Tom Rockmore (eds.), Heidegger and Plato: toward dialogue. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
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    Ética E desconstrução – justiça E linguagem desde “force de loi: Le ‘fondement mystiqye de l’autorité’, de J. Derrida.Ricardo Timm De Souza - 2002 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 47 (2):159-185.
    O texto propõe uma leitura da temática da justiça na obra de J. Derrida a partir não somente da interpretação dos textos em si mas também dos contextos de seu surgimento num determinado momento histórico-filosófico de reconsideração do estatuto da racionalidade e das consequências desta reconsideração para a filosofia em geral.
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  18. El lugar de la crítica del arte.Ricardo Sánchez Ortiz de Urbina - 1990 - El Basilisco 4:3-11.
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  19. Entrevista com Ricardo Antunes.Alexander Noronha de Albuquerque & Ricardo Antunes - 2006 - Enfoques 5 (2).
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  20. Husserl.Ricardo Mendoza-Canales - 2016 - Barcelona, España: RBA.
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  21. Constituinte e Tradições Politicas Brasileiras.Ricardo Vélez Rodriguez - 1987 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 30 (2):150-61.
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    RETRACTION NOTICE: Applicable management dimensions during COVID-19.Luly Stephanie Ricardo-Jiménez & Luis Carlos Valencia-Burgos - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):1-10.
    Retraction note: Ricardo-Jiménez, L. S. & Valencia-Burgos, L. C. (2022). Applicable management dimensions during COVID-19: Case Montería - Colombia. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 17(3), 1–10. The Editorial Office of Eurasia Academic Publishing Group has retracted this article. An investigation carried out by our Research Integrity Department has found a group of articles, among which this one is found, that are not within the thematic scope of the journal. We believe that the editorial process was (...)
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    Race and the Mobility of Humans as Things.Ricardo Roque - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (4):607-617.
    This article reflects on a significant dimension of the modern history of race in Europe and the world: the processes of mobility of humans as things that accompanied the scientific pursuit of the immutable racial condition of humans. It asks what it might mean to approach racial conceptions as historically embedded in, and shaped by, racial regimes of mobility, that is, the regimes encompassing the practices and apparatuses for the displacement of human bodies as “scientific things” of racial significance for (...)
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  24. Catalyzing an Interregional Planetary Dialogue on Environmental Philosophy.Ricardo Rozzi - 2012 - Environmental Ethics 34 (4):341-342.
    At the beginning of the twenty-first century, South America hosts the world’s greatest di­versity of plants and most animal groups, as well as a variety of environmental movements, involving urban and rural communities. South American academic philosophy, however, has given little consideration to this rich biocultural context. To nourish an emergent regional environmental philosophy three main sources can be identified. First, a variety of ancient and contemporary ecological worldviews and practices offer a rich biocultural array of South American environmental thought (...)
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    ¡Chovinismo Taxonómico, No Más!Ricardo Rozzi - 2019 - Environmental Ethics 41 (9998):73-112.
    La cultura de la sociedad global habitualmente asocia la palabra animal con vertebrados. Paradójicamente, la mayor parte de la diversidad animal está compuesta por pequeños organismos que permanecen invisibles en la cultura global y están sub-representados en la filosofía, las ciencias y la educación. La ciencia del siglo veintiuno ha desentrañado que muchos invertebrados tienen conciencia y capacidad de sentir dolor. Estos descubrimientos apelan a los filósofos de la ética animal a ser más inclusivos y reevaluar la participación de los (...)
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    Twin Subgraphs and Core-Semiperiphery-Periphery Structures.Ricardo Riaza - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-17.
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  27. Diferenças entre as deduções nas duas edições da crítica da razão pura.Musse Ricardo - 1997 - Trans/Form/Ação 20 (1):45-55.
    Comparação entre as duas versões da dedução kantiana dos conceitos puros do entendimento, a da 1ª edição de 1781 e a de 1787. Focam-se aqui principalmente as discrepâncias referentes à dedução objetiva, isto é, aquela encarregada de demonstrar que as categorias são as condições de possibilidade dos objetos de experiência.
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    Why is there hierarchy? Democracy and the question of organisational form.Ricardo Blaug - 2009 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 12 (1):85-99.
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    Exploring culture through in-depth interviews: is it useful to ask people about what they think, mean, and do?Ricardo Rivas & Michael Gibson-Light - 2016 - Cinta de Moebio 57:316-329.
    In 2010, American sociologist John Levi Martin asserted that in-depth interviews are inadequate for the study of culture. This sparked a debate in the discipline over the legitimacy of interview methods for researchers of culture and others. Here, we contextualize and contribute to this debate. We review the ideas of Martin and argue that in-depth interviews are in fact valid, well-supported in the field, and useful for investigating cultural phenomena. We build this counter-argument on three angles: epistemological, theoretical and methodological. (...)
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  30. Os fundamentos filosóficos do conhecimento na filosofia de Eduardo Soveral.Ricardo Velez Rodriguez - 2009 - In Maria Celeste Natário, António Braz Teixeira & Renato Epifânio (eds.), Eduardo Abranches de Soveral: o pensador, o filósofo, o humanista. Sintra: Zéfiro Edições.
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  31. Biodiversità e benessere: il caso del Sud America.Ricardo Rozzi - forthcoming - Environmental Philosophy.
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    Future environmental philosophies and their biocultural conservation interfaces.Ricardo Rozzi - 2007 - Ethics and the Environment 12 (2):142-145.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Future Environmental Philosophies and Their Biocultural Conservation InterfacesRicardo Rozzi (bio)Perhaps it would be better to speak of the future of environmental philosophies, rather than of the future of environmental philosophy. Making explicit a plurality of future trends helps prevent an "Anglo-academic" bias, and emphasizes the need for further developing environmental philosophy into at least two directions: (1) a stronger dialogical interaction with the diverse international constellation of cultural, ethnic, (...)
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    “Como Deus É Ciente em sua Essência Divina”: a Presciência de Deus em Santo Tomás de Aquino e no Livro da Contemplação de Ramon Llull.Ricardo da Costa & Sidney Silveira - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (2):9-34.
    A proposta deste trabalho é analisar a concepção filosófica depresciência em Santo Tomás de Aquino e Ramon Llull, nas obrasSuma Teológicae O Livro da Contemplação. Para isso, discorremos previamente sobre o conceito deciência, base aristotélica tomista. Por fim, apresentamos a tradução de um extrato doLivro da Contemplação, como base documental para a segunda parte do trabalho. The purpose of this article is to analyze the philosophical conception of prescience in St. Thomas Aquinas in the Summa Theologica and Ramon Llull and (...)
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    Assessment of Emotional Experience and Emotional Recognition in Complicated Grief.Manuel Fernández-Alcántara, Francisco Cruz-Quintana, M. N. Pérez-Marfil, Andrés Catena-Martínez, Miguel Pérez-García & Oliver H. Turnbull - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Validation of priority criteria for cataract extraction.Susana García Gutiérrez, Jose Maria Quintana, Amaia Bilbao, Antonio Escobar, Emilio Perea Milla, Belen Elizalde, Marisa Baré & M. P. H. Nerea Fernandez de Larrea Md - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (4):675-684.
    Rationale, aims and objectives Given the increasing prevalence of cataract and demand for cataract extraction surgery, patients must often wait to undergo this procedure. We validated a previously developed priority scoring system in terms of clinical variables, pre-intervention health status, appropriateness of surgery and gain in visual acuity (VA) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL).Methods Explicit prioritization criteria for cataract extraction created by a variation of the Research and Development (RAND) and University of California Los Angeles appropriateness methodology were retrospectively (...)
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  36. Reconstructing subjectivity.Ricardo Teresa Strong-Wilson, Warren Crichlow L. Castro & Amarou Yoder - 2022 - In Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder (eds.), Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Clashing perspectives: Kantian epistemology and quantum chemistry theory.Ricardo Vivas-Reyes - 2024 - Foundations of Chemistry 26 (2):291-300.
    In this contribution, the role of epistemology in understanding quantum chemistry is discussed. Quantum chemistry is the study of the behavior of atoms and molecules using the principles of quantum mechanics. Epistemology helps us evaluate claims to knowledge, distinguish between justified and unjustified beliefs, and assess the reliability of scientific methods. In quantum chemistry, the epistemology of knowledge is heavily influenced by the mathematical nature of quantum mechanics, and models can be tested, proven, and validated through experimentation. This paper also (...)
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    Sublimation, art and void. An approach to Aesthetics from the articulation between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis.Ricardo Adrián González Muñoz & María del Mar Osorio Arias - 2022 - Alpha (Osorno) 54 (54):9–22.
    Resumen: El presente artículo constituye un aporte al conocimiento del arte en su vinculación con la filosofía y el psicoanálisis, en tanto aborda la tensión entre la representación y la construcción simbólica de la imagen artística en el contexto cultural/estético contemporáneo, mediante la relación entre lo Real lacaniano y la estática negativa de Adorno. Dicha relación encuentra su punto de articulación en el fenómeno estético de lo Bello, entendido como lo que encara al sujeto con el vacío de su deseo (...)
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  39.  32
    O desafio do Islã e outros desafios.Ricardo Timm de Souza - 2004 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50 (2):416-418.
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  40. Tecnología y sociedad: una filosofía política.Ricardo J. Gómez - 2021 - CABA: Ediciones CICCUS.
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    The philosophy of Kant.Ricardo Gutiérrez Aguilar (ed.) - 2019 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    Illustrations and examples have always been deemed rare in the otherwise abundant materials Kant sent to be printed. In this sense, tradition has made out of the Königsbergs philosopher a rather arid writer. He himself advocated for the perks of a proper scholastic method in presenting arguments. It is thus a common place among scholars that Herr Professor valued discursive clarity over any whimsical rhetorical garments the popular thinker could have been tempted to wield in defense of his surely more (...)
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  42. Hartmann.Nicolai Hartmann & Ricardo Guillermo Maliandi - 1967 - [Buenos Aires]: Centro Editor de América Latina. Edited by Ricardo Guillermo Maliandi.
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    Homenaje al profesor doctor don Ricardo Marín Ibáñez.Ricardo Marín Ibáñez (ed.) - 1991 - Madrid: Departamento de Teoría de la Educación y Pedagogía Social, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.
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    La función del noema en la constitución intencional del objeto.M. C. Paredes Martín - 1992 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 27:339.
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    Breves lecciones de lógica y teoría del conocimiento o gnoseología.Ricardo A. Sánchez - 1971 - Quito,: Editorial Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana.
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  46. part 5. Bioethics and health justice. Research ethics.Udo Schüklenk & Ricardo Smalling - 2014 - In Darrel Moellendorf & Heather Widdows (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Global Ethics. London: Routledge.
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  47.  15
    O jogo dos afetos no campo político e a gênese social da normatividade jurídica em David Hume.Priscila Ricardo de Oliveira - 2019 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 17 (2).
    Pretendo debater, neste trabalho, três pressupostos que subjazem o desenvolvimento argumentativo do ensaio: I) a ideia presente no Tratado de que os homens se guiam pelos seus afetos ou, grosso modo, que a sociabilidade é permeada por paixões que se chocam, todo o tempo, com a vontade e interesse alheios (Hume também entende, como parece ter sido o caso de Maquiavel e Shaftesbury, que a sociedade, como um corpo, expressa um humor espelhado e forjado no jogo e conflito dos afetos (...)
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  48. Acto Académico. Facultad de Teología San Esteban. Homenaje a tres de sus profesores.Ricardo de Luis Carballada - 2012 - Ciencia Tomista 139 (448):401-424.
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  49.  26
    Esfera pública, opinião pública E liberdade de imprensa: A mediação entre estado E indivíduo.Ricardo Bins Di Napoli - 2002 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 47 (4):595-603.
    O artigo trata da esfera pública, opinião pública e liberdade de imprensa segundo G. W. F. Hegel como formas de mediação entre o estado e o indivíduo e expressão da liberdade individual ou coletiva. A partir do exame dos Princípios de Filosofia do Direito e das Lições sobre a filosofia do Direito editadas por K.-H. Ilting, afirma-se a idéia de que Hegel não foi um defensor da censura do estado autoritário prussiano, mas da liberdade de expressão do indivíduo no contexto (...)
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    The quality of institutional assessment and self-appraisal: approaches and models.Ricardo Figueroa Toala - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (3):531-549.
    La educación universitaria enfrenta grandes desafíos como el de gestionar el cambio que se ajuste a las demandas de la sociedad contemporánea. Una de las formas para sensibilizar al mundo académico y facilitar la innovación es la evaluación y la autoevaluación. En este trabajo se realizó un análisis tendencial de los diversos enfoques y modelos del proceso de evaluación y autoevaluación institucional; así como de las propensiones actuales del proceso autoevaluativo de las instituciones de la educación superior a través del (...)
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